
The Haunt of Imposter Syndrome

January 10, 2025

During the season of spooks and frights, let’s talk about something that haunts most humans at least once in their life—imposter syndrome. It isn’t something we can wake up from like a bad dream, and it really doesn’t feel like something we can easily shake off. But what is imposter syndrome? 

As defined, “imposter syndrome is a thought pattern where a person doubts their skills, accomplishments, or talents, fearing that they will be exposed as a “fraud” despite evidence of their competence.” What is most surprising is that a staggering 70% of people will experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. However, just because you’ve experienced it, doesn’t mean you need to keep feeling it. So how can you release the haunt of the imposter and the goblin of self-doubt? Let’s explore...

Step One: Recognition 

Recognize that imposter feelings are common and normal and that nothing is going wrong.

Try to gently and lovingly acknowledge what your brain fears and thank it for trying to keep you alive and safe.

Step Two: Find Fact

Your brain is offering you false or dramatized thoughts to keep you “safe” by avoiding action. List what is true vs. what is false and see what changes in your brain. You may notice feelings of security and calm. 

Step Three: Reframe 

Creating a new neural connection by choosing to see this moment as an opportunity for growth rather than dwelling on perceived shortcomings. Imagine how a future or higher-level version of you would handle this.

Step Four: Celebrate 

Imposter feelings impact even the most successful people. Celebrate your work, effort, and the facts. Keep a record of your accomplishments, big and small. Designate people for your Support Squad to hype you up in low times!

Step Five: Be Yourself

Imposter feelings often come up when we’re trying to be someone or something else. You can’t fake being yourself! Embracing your authenticity is so much more valuable and fun! Glow, baby, glow!

Even the most wildly successful people experience periods of imposter syndrome and insecurity in their lives. But the major difference with highly successful people is that they don’t sit and wallow in it. They make the conscious, intentional choice to remember who they are. To remember their core values and worth, while honestly acknowledging where they can still grow and do better. 

Your brain’s job is to keep you safe. It will do that in any way possible, even if that means telling you lies or half-truths. Be gentle with your brain, get curious, and celebrate just how far you’ve already come!! The haunts and ghouls ain’t got nothin’ on you! (and p.s...true imposters don’t feel imposter syndrome, so you can’t possibly be an imposter!! ;)

During the season of spooks and frights, let’s talk about something that haunts most humans at least once in their life—imposter syndrome. It isn’t something we can wake up from like a bad dream, and it really doesn’t feel like something we can easily shake off. But what is imposter syndrome? 

As defined, “imposter syndrome is a thought pattern where a person doubts their skills, accomplishments, or talents, fearing that they will be exposed as a “fraud” despite evidence of their competence.” What is most surprising is that a staggering 70% of people will experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. However, just because you’ve experienced it, doesn’t mean you need to keep feeling it. So how can you release the haunt of the imposter and the goblin of self-doubt? Let’s explore...

Step One: Recognition 

Recognize that imposter feelings are common and normal and that nothing is going wrong.

Try to gently and lovingly acknowledge what your brain fears and thank it for trying to keep you alive and safe.

Step Two: Find Fact

Your brain is offering you false or dramatized thoughts to keep you “safe” by avoiding action. List what is true vs. what is false and see what changes in your brain. You may notice feelings of security and calm. 

Step Three: Reframe 

Creating a new neural connection by choosing to see this moment as an opportunity for growth rather than dwelling on perceived shortcomings. Imagine how a future or higher-level version of you would handle this.

Step Four: Celebrate 

Imposter feelings impact even the most successful people. Celebrate your work, effort, and the facts. Keep a record of your accomplishments, big and small. Designate people for your Support Squad to hype you up in low times!

Step Five: Be Yourself

Imposter feelings often come up when we’re trying to be someone or something else. You can’t fake being yourself! Embracing your authenticity is so much more valuable and fun! Glow, baby, glow!

Even the most wildly successful people experience periods of imposter syndrome and insecurity in their lives. But the major difference with highly successful people is that they don’t sit and wallow in it. They make the conscious, intentional choice to remember who they are. To remember their core values and worth, while honestly acknowledging where they can still grow and do better. 

Your brain’s job is to keep you safe. It will do that in any way possible, even if that means telling you lies or half-truths. Be gentle with your brain, get curious, and celebrate just how far you’ve already come!! The haunts and ghouls ain’t got nothin’ on you! (and p.s...true imposters don’t feel imposter syndrome, so you can’t possibly be an imposter!! ;)

During the season of spooks and frights, let’s talk about something that haunts most humans at least once in their life—imposter syndrome. It isn’t something we can wake up from like a bad dream, and it really doesn’t feel like something we can easily shake off. But what is imposter syndrome? 

As defined, “imposter syndrome is a thought pattern where a person doubts their skills, accomplishments, or talents, fearing that they will be exposed as a “fraud” despite evidence of their competence.” What is most surprising is that a staggering 70% of people will experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. However, just because you’ve experienced it, doesn’t mean you need to keep feeling it. So how can you release the haunt of the imposter and the goblin of self-doubt? Let’s explore...

Step One: Recognition 

Recognize that imposter feelings are common and normal and that nothing is going wrong.

Try to gently and lovingly acknowledge what your brain fears and thank it for trying to keep you alive and safe.

Step Two: Find Fact

Your brain is offering you false or dramatized thoughts to keep you “safe” by avoiding action. List what is true vs. what is false and see what changes in your brain. You may notice feelings of security and calm. 

Step Three: Reframe 

Creating a new neural connection by choosing to see this moment as an opportunity for growth rather than dwelling on perceived shortcomings. Imagine how a future or higher-level version of you would handle this.

Step Four: Celebrate 

Imposter feelings impact even the most successful people. Celebrate your work, effort, and the facts. Keep a record of your accomplishments, big and small. Designate people for your Support Squad to hype you up in low times!

Step Five: Be Yourself

Imposter feelings often come up when we’re trying to be someone or something else. You can’t fake being yourself! Embracing your authenticity is so much more valuable and fun! Glow, baby, glow!

Even the most wildly successful people experience periods of imposter syndrome and insecurity in their lives. But the major difference with highly successful people is that they don’t sit and wallow in it. They make the conscious, intentional choice to remember who they are. To remember their core values and worth, while honestly acknowledging where they can still grow and do better. 

Your brain’s job is to keep you safe. It will do that in any way possible, even if that means telling you lies or half-truths. Be gentle with your brain, get curious, and celebrate just how far you’ve already come!! The haunts and ghouls ain’t got nothin’ on you! (and p.s...true imposters don’t feel imposter syndrome, so you can’t possibly be an imposter!! ;)

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